Support the Humboldt County Fair and become a sponsor! Not only are you advertising to YOUR local customers but you're helping the Humboldt County Fair continue to bring more and more great entertainment and fun to our area!
Grand Champion Sponsors
Satern's Service Center​
Wempen's Landscaping
Gronbach Construction
Crahan Eletric
Humboldt Rent-All
Goldfield Access
MS & Sons
Gold Eagle Cooperative
Northwest Bank
First State Bank
W&H Coop
R&J Material Handling
Habitat Specialties
Alpha Media
Midland Power & Cornbelt
Abens/Marty/Curran Agency
K.C. Nielsen, LTD
Humboldt Vet Clinic
Bank Iowa
Humboldt Motor Sales
Engman Disposal
Farm Bureau
New Cooperative
Hjelmeland Flooring
Berte & Son Construction
Computer Works
Reserve Champion Sponsors
Arnold Motor Supply
Humboldt Red Power
Humboldt Newspapers
US Bank
Hotsy Equipment
Northpark Family Dentistry
T.P. Anderson Company
North Central Iowa Service, LLC
Farmers Coop Elevator
Becker Ag Sales
Ag West
Kelmar Catering
Liguria Foods
Sister's Homestyle Entrees
Erpelding, Voigt & Co. LLP
Sponsorship Opportunties
Get the best BANG for your BUCK by becoming a Humboldt County Fair Sponsor. Below are our "sponsorship booster packages". If you're interested in becoming a Grand Stand Sponsor please contact us!
Grand Champion Pack - $500.00 (28 Total Ticket Value)
Fair Queen Coronation (FREE)​
String Show Down (FREE)
4 Tickets to Chris Cagle, featuring: Them Dirty Roses ($140 Value)
8 Tickets: NTPA Tractor/Truck/Local PU Pull ($160 Value)
8 Tickets: Tough Truck Challenge ($160 Value)
8 Tickets: Carnival ($200 Value)
Reserve Champion Pack - $250.00 (15 Total Ticket Value)
Fair Queen Coronation (FREE)​
String Show Down (FREE)
5 Tickets: NTPA Tractor/Truck/Local PU Pull ($100 Value)
5 Tickets: Tough Truck Challenge ($120 Value)
5 Tickets: Carnival ($100 Value)
Family Pack - $100.00 (6 Total Ticket Value)
Fair Queen Coronation (FREE)​
String Show Down (FREE)
2 Tickets: NTPA Tractor/Truck/Local PU Pull ($40 Value)
2 Tickets: Tough Truck Challenge ($40 Value)
2 Tickets: Carnival ($50 Value)
Contact Us
If you're interested in becoming a Grand Stand Sponsor where your logo will be printed on the Grandstand Stage itself (getting you the most eyes on your business) please contact us (below) for pricing!